Emmanuel Kiganda is one of Send56’s base directors, overseeing our Missions and Prayer School and the House of Prayer in Tororo, Uganda. He has faithfully served the ministry for many years and our desire is to help provide he and his family with stable living conditions, as he continues to serve. We established this project to raise funds to help him complete his house. So far, he has raised enough to move his family in, which has relieved him from costly rent expenses, but he still needs to finish several plumbing, water tank and security issues before the home is complete. Kiganda vision is that this home will be a place of rest as well as an opportunity to extend and increase the ministry of the Gospel to his community. We appreciate your consideration as we look to see God provide for this very special project.
Partner with
Emmanuel Kiganda
Support the Kiganda Parsonage Project
Partner with
Emmanuel Kiganda
Support the Kiganda Parsonage Project

Emmanuel Kiganda is one of Send56’s base directors, overseeing our Missions and Prayer School and the House of Prayer in Tororo, Uganda. He has faithfully served the ministry for many years and our desire is to help provide he and his family with stable living conditions, as he continues to serve. We established this project to raise funds to help him complete his house. So far, he has raised enough to move his family in, which has relieved him from costly rent expenses, but he still needs to finish several plumbing, water tank and security issues before the home is complete. Kiganda vision is that this home will be a place of rest as well as an opportunity to extend and increase the ministry of the Gospel to his community. We appreciate your consideration as we look to see God provide for this very special project.
Send56 Ministry, Inc. is a registered non-profit 501(C)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, Send56 maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds once a tax-deductible receipt is issued. Funds will be used at our discretion to support people and projects advancing the gospel in Africa.